Artikel mit dem Tag "Austria"

Labour exploitation in Austria
Blog - EN · 29. Dezember 2020
When you hear ‘labour exploitation’ you might think of textile factories in Bangladesh or construction in Dubai, but labour exploitation is not as far away as you might imagine. It also occurs every day in Austria. Those affected are invisible to society because they can hardly take part in public life. Since we have recently written some articles on forced prostitution, we will now devote this article to other forms of labour exploitation in Austria.
Blog - EN · 26. November 2020
The following story is that of a woman, who, despite multiple experiences of deception, abuse, violence and exploitation, has found a new way into a self-determined life. HOPE FOR THE FUTURE was able to support her on parts of her way.

Blog - EN · 13. Oktober 2020
How do women affected by human trafficking get to Austria? Why do they even get involved in all of this in the first place? Why don't they just run away? We receive many questions about our trainees and have noticed that there is still a lot of prejudice and a lot of misconceptions about forced prostitution in our society. Therefore, we would like to share Joana's story here. In the hope of studying in Europe, she was caught by human traffickers and forced into prostitution in Austria.

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE | Verein zur Förderung von Personen, die von Menschenhandel bzw. Prostitution betroffen sind

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